We all want to be wise, we all look for wisdom. In my search for answers I turned to the book of Proverbs hoping to find answers to my questions. Thankfully I had reached the right place.
Be it decision making, work, money, marriage, faith... the book of Proverbs is a treasure trove of wisdom. These are my reflections on Proverbs.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Book Of Proverbs

31 Chapters, 915 verses.
The book of proverbs never seemed very interesting to me once. I always felt the advice was so obvious and some of the verses just didn't make sense to me at all. For the last two months however I have been inspired by the book of proverbs like never before. Proverbs gives us a closer look at what it means to live a Godly life in the real big bad world out there. Some verses still don't make much sense to me sometimes but I feel that it still has a lot more to teach me.
During the year 2010 I plan on studying all 31 chapters of proverbs verse by verse to see what God's word is telling me each new day.
I welcome you all to join me in reading and studying the book of Proverbs with me during 2010.



  1. Hi. I recently was asked to give a talk about the Proverb 31 woman. The neat thing about scripture is that it is alive and doesn't always talk about one specific thing - but sometimes has multiple applications. One of the applications that I found was how the virtuous woman is a figure of the church - the future bride of Christ. I was fascinated the more I studied at seeing many wonderful treasures there. Bye.

  2. Thanks for your comment. It's so true, the scriptures teach us something new each time we read it. It truly is a treasure.
